Site icon Bondage Diaries

Please pass the silverware…

Sometimes, you never know what you’re going to find when you go thrift store shopping.  I remember when I first found that large tiki spoon at a thrift store in Silver Spring.  Now, I found some more “silverware” at a thrift store in Calverton.  Check these out:

Yes, this is another wooden tiki spoon, paired with a matching tiki fork.  However, unlike the original tiki spoon, which measured 27 inches in length, these only measure 12 inches:

That 12-inch size is advantageous to me because, while the other spoon had some size to it, these, with a shorter handle and smaller overall profile, are a bit more discreet to transport and store (they’ll likely live in the toy bag rather than on the wall as vanilla decor).  During play, I can use these together for some new possibilities.  They’re also quite lightweight, which has its own ups and downs.  Lighter weight typically means more of a stinging sensation on impact, rather than a thudding sensation.  But who knows – we’ll see what happens.

Just like the original tiki spoon, the finish is also in fairly rough shape.  I intend to sand these and then break out the stain and polyurethane, giving these the same black finish that the original spoon, as well as the double roller, has.  I intend to complete this project fairly quickly, so that I can get both the fork and spoon in service as soon as possible, as I have been playing with a partner on a regular basis as of late, and I’d like to use it with them.  So stay tuned – more photos to come.

And, on the subject of new things, I also recently added these to my ensemble:

These are microfiber detailing gloves by Pro Elite, with a fuzzy (“knobby”, per the packaging) side and a smoother side.  I got these at AutoZone, and they are intended for washing the exterior of a car.  However, my play partner thought that they would be great for sensation play – particularly the fuzzy side.  We originally got one glove, and then when we realized that it was awesome, we got a second glove in order to double the pleasure.  We call these the “Montgomery gloves”, which is an inside joke.  If you’re into soft sensation play, you might want to give these a whirl.  They’re pretty awesome, and only cost a few bucks.

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